And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.


Monday, October 26, 2009

My Awesome Night

That's me..... on the right in the boots. 

Ok, so that's not really me and the ghost of Michael Jackson, but I decided to do something for myself today.  I keep saying that I have to be healthy before I can help my family.

I signed up for a gym that offers every sort of dance class from Zumba, Boot Camp, Yoga, Pilates, Hip Hop, and everything in between.

Tonight was Hip Hop and I learned the true blue Thriller dance.  I must say I was the shiz-nit.  I haven't had this much fun in months and the release that came from dancing was more theraputic than any anti-psychotic meds that are on the market. 

I think tomorrow will be Zumba.....  Wednesday is Kick Boxing.  It is great to find a positive release for all this pent up energy. 

Anyway, this may be a new career move for me........ I think they are missing a key player in the Thriller video now......  This just might be my big break :)

It's good to smile again.

1 comment:

Brittoni said...

Hey Jenn
I hope you don't mind me blog stocking you. I saw on facebook the address you gave Cindy Kinsel. I have loved reading your posts. I admit that sometimes I have to ban myself from reading others blogs because it depresses me to read about their perfect lives. I love how real you are. I know I have mentioned getting together before and I really do want to. My surgery has taken so long to heal from and get myself back to functioning. We need to just set a date and do it. I usually go to salt lake all the time but lately I haven't been able to drive myself places. Hopefuly that will change soon. Anyway I guess I just wanted to say Hi.