And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.


Thursday, March 25, 2010


Dear Mr. Saturn Driver,
Thank you for being clear on what "crew" you are representing.  I would have hated to mix you up with a rival "crew".  Say, god-forbid..... a    H-O-N-D-A!!!


Jenny Cracked Corn and I Don't Care

You know, it's never the big things that break me.  I can handle bleeding faces and seizures.  Not that I am inviting them but crisis, I can deal with.  It's the little things like spilling a bowl of goldfish crackers or wet-sock that push me over the edge.  Today it's burnt popcorn.  I don't know what it is about popcorn that is so hard to master.  My success rate is probably in the 10th percentile at best.  If I happen to magically cook it to perfection, I don't want to eat it.  I want to set it on my shelf in a pretty bowl to look at.  It doesn't matter if I always buy the same size bags, or same brand, or cook it at the same temperature, time of day, etc, etc, etc....  undoubtedly I end up with a bag full of scalding hot kernals and not even enough "popped" corn to feed a rodent. OR a bag of charred mess that stinks up the house for an entire day.  Today it was the later.  Burnt crisp like an albino on the beach.  And this is why I take anxiety meds.  Should have gone with the goldfish crackers today.