And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

This is us.....

This is us....

We are not traditional and we don't want to be. I have spent years coddling the internal pull for a "traditional life". However, over the past 12 months I have embraced "what is" and since that moment have had happiness beyond anything I have ever known.

We live and love more than most people I have ever met. We embrace every moment for what it is.... memory experience or learning experience. I wouldn't change one second of my life thus far. Would I repeat it in the future....probably not... but isn't that what learning is all about.?!?! Mistakes are only mistakes when repeated.

JJ, I love you. You are my embankment in the rapids of the river we call life. Sasha and Zehn, you are my life jacket. Zo, right now you are the rocks that cause the rapids, but I love you because you are the beauty of the river. Without you, we would have no rapids. And regardless of the past, or choices..... you are one of my soulmates. I hope to find peace with you in the future.

Thank you all for giving me life and love. I would be less without your souls, but I would not be zero.... for I am complete.

To all the friends I have not kept in contact with..... please accept my apology. I love you in the same manner as the last time I saw you, but my journey has taken me to a place of wonderment and exploration. I have found my center. I have it now and would love to bring you back into my life for whatever purpose it may bring.....

Love and Light and Peace Forever -


Here we are

Well, thanks to my mother (who asked if the internet was open on sunday), I have decided to join the world of blogging. I have actually opened 3 separate accounts for 3 separate purposes..... see if you can find my others ;)

Anyhow, this seems to be the hot shizzle these dizzles so I am going to hop on the train. This is my personal blog and will be used to update friends and family of the happenings a - la - saga - o - Jenn. And yes, we all know that "events" can drastically change from victory to tragedy withing a few minutes.... multiple times a day.

Thank you mom, for being internet savy enough to know what a "blog" is. I am sure I will enjoy this time, as I hope will all of you.

One Love - Jenn