So, it's JJ's weekend with Sasha, which means I won't see her until Tuesday due to the way our days/weekends worked last year. We haven't kept track of days or weekends for close to 8 months because most days we spent as a family, the 4 of us.
It is only 7PM and I am sick. I miss my girl so bad, which in turn makes me miss the life I had become so accustomed to over the summer and had fallen very much in love with.
I just got back from the gym hoping it would be the distraction/release of anxiety needed to get me through the night. However, it's not looking good considering we have not even been home an hour and as I write this, tears are rolling down my cheeks.
I don't feel strong enough for this. Not today. I keep trying to chalk it up to a bad day, but in reality i know it is because I have begun mourning the death of a marriage of hearts. I am lost.... and starting to think that this is going to break me.
Please send positive broken heart is loosing the will to keep beating and every breath I take reminds me that I am still alive, but in an alternate universe. Today is the hardest day to date.
As someone wise said to me on a similar weekend not so very long ago, your only job over the next few days is to breathe...
You are in my prayers.
Sweetie!!! You are breaking my heart... I am so sorry that you are hurting so much. Hang in there. There are so many people out there that love you and care about you. I am one of them.
Thank you guys. I can't believe the people coming out of the woodwork to support me in this situation. Angels. All of you....
Cyndi, your advice is awesome and made me smile... I'm not sure if you noticed the post that was made just before this one.....
This song is on repeat and I am sure to wear it out, but it is such a great expression of my life and emotional state.
Wish "Never Again" was out.... that one would be alternating with Breathe....
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