In a moment of impulse, I rescued this cat from a friend who was moving and planning on taking her to the animal shelter. Now I don't particularly have anything against animals, in fact I think they are great for children, but I don't particularly like them either.
Needless to say, the following are the reasons that "Kitty" was only a member of our family for less than a month:
1. My landlord had made it VERY clear that NO pets were allowed when I moved in. Trying to find just the right hiding place for the cat on days I knew he would be coming to the house became quite tiresome. Especially because this cat knew she had a voice and wanted to be heard. Which brings me to reason number 2....
2. Kitty's meow was stuck on repeat. Particularly at 3am. She would stand right next to my face on the bed relentlessly making presence known. There was nothing you could do to quiet this cat.
3. Sasha developed a strange teret syndrome-like response every time she saw the cat. She would scream what I imagine were words, but to the rest of us just sounded like a very loud mouth seizure. It was funny to us, but the poor kitty was scared to death at the very sight of Sasha. (Which may have had something to do with reason #2)
4. I don't like touching animals. And "don't like" is putting it gently. In reality I must be allergic to animal fur because I get terrible red itchy bumps. I knew this when I agreed to take the cat. What was I thinking???
However, in fairness to "Kitty", she was very good with the kids. If I didn't have to hide her, listen to her meow, comfort her (which meant touching her), clean her litter box, feed her, and make sure she didn't get hit by a car...... she would have been the perfect pet.
(* Note - we were able to find her a good home)
3 years ago
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